Välkommen till fotograf Yau-Ling (eller Ling)
Welcome to Photographer Yau-Ling (or Ling)

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Cellphone: +46 704783889
Mobil: 070-478 3889



            Babies, Kids  /  Bebisar, Barn   

As a Mum of 3 kids who are now grown-ups and teenager, I have deep experience of "time really flies" especially
the first 21 months (9 months pregnancy + baby's first year

The latest digital cameras have made it easier for all parents to take photos of their kids,
However, there are differences between photographer and photographer.
So, at important events, please let me as a professional portrait photogrpher since 1992,  to catch the memorable moments for you

I will let the babies and kids here speak fo
r me.
Please scroll down and enjoy the photos.





/ Startsida

26th March 2006   -   
5th February 2010   -  
23rd August 2010   -   13th, 14th September
2010   -   20th, 31st Oct 2010
7th March 2011, 9th Nov 2011

© Copyright - All text and images are protected by copyright laws. Copying and downloading are forbidden. However, you can send link to others.
© Copyright - All text och alla bilder är skyddade av upphovsrättslagen. Kopiering och nedladdning är förbjudna. Men skicka gärna länken till andra.